Package 'sociome'

Title: Operationalizing Social Determinants of Health Data for Researchers
Description: Accesses raw data via API and calculates social determinants of health measures for user-specified locations in the US, returning them in tidyverse- and sf-compatible data frames.
Authors: Nik Krieger [aut, cre], Jarrod Dalton [aut], Cindy Wang [aut], Adam Perzynski [aut], National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging [fnd] (The development of this software package was supported by a research grant from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging, (Principal Investigators: Jarrod E. Dalton, PhD and Adam T. Perzynski, PhD; Grant Number: 5R01AG055480-02). All of its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.)
Maintainer: Nik Krieger <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 2.2.5
Built: 2025-03-11 05:02:08 UTC

Help Index

ACS variables for age, sex, race, and ethnicity


A two-column data set of the American Community Survey variable names and their descriptions. Contains counts of various subdivisions of the population based on age, sex, race, and ethnicity.




A tibble with 65 rows and 2 variables:


ACS variable name


A description of who is present in the count


These variable names have been consistent throughout the existence of the ACS from its beginning through 2020.

This data set is used to support synthetic_population().

See Also


ACS variable names for ADI and ADI-3 calculation


A dataset of the ACS variable names used to calculate the Area Deprivation Index (ADI) and Berg Indices (ADI-3).




A ['tibble'][tibble::tibble] with 139 rows and 10 variables:


ACS variable name


Brief description of the data the variable contains


Logical, indicating the variables to be used when calculating ADI and ADI-3 using the 1- or 3-year estimates from 2011 and later or when using the 5-year estimates from 2012 or later


Logical, indicating the variables to be used when calculating ADI and ADI-3 at the block group level using the 2015 or 2016 estimates


Logical, indicating the variables to be used when calculating ADI using the 2011 5-year estimates


Logical, indicating the variables to be used when calculating ADI and ADI-3 using the 2010 1- or 3-year estimates


Logical, indicating the variables to be used when calculating ADI and ADI-3 using the 2010 5-year estimates


Logical, indicating the variables to be used when calculating ADI and ADI-3 using the 2008 or 2009 1-year estimates


Logical, indicating the variables to be used when calculating ACS estimates not previously mentioned, including the 2009 5-year estimates


Logical, indicating the variables to use in conjunction with the few actual 2010 decennial census variables when running get_adi(year = 2010, dataset = "decennial")

Note that not all year/estimate combinations are currently supported by the census API and/or tidycensus, and some may never be supported.

See Also


Append list columns of Gower's distances and sampling weights to a data frame


Runs cluster::daisy() on a data frame, breaks up the columns of the resulting dissimilarity into a list, and adds this list to the data frame as a list column. In addition or instead, it adds a transformed version of the dissimilarity list, which can be used as sampling weights.


  cols = dplyr::everything(),
  dissimilarity_measure_name = "dissimilarities",
  sampling_weight_name = "sampling_weights",
  metric = "gower",



A data frame that has at least one row and at least one column.


<tidy-select> Columns of data on which to calculate dissimilarities.

dissimilarity_measure_name, sampling_weight_name

The names of the list columns that will be added to data. Cannot match the names of the existing columns. Make one of them NULL if you don't want it added, but they can't both be NULL.

metric, ...

Passed to cluster::daisy(). Use ... at your own risk.


All columns are fed to cluster::daisy() by default, but the user can select which ones using the cols argument.

Once the full dissimilarity matrix is obtained, the columns are separated into a list via asplit() and appended to data. Each element of the list is therefore a double vector with nrow(data) values. For any given row, its dissimilarity vector represents the row's dissimilarity to every row.

The optional/alternative "sampling weight" column is a transformed version of the dissimilarity list: 1. All dissimilarity measures of 0 are replaced with the next smallest dissimilarity value in the vector. In effect, this means that a row's dissimilarity to itself (and any rows identical to it) is replaced with the dissimilarity value of its next most similar row. (Exception: if all elements are 0, all of them are replaced with 1). 2. Then the reciprocal of each element is taken so that larger values represent greater similarity. 3. Each element is divided by the sum of the vector, which standardizes the elements to add to 1.

Requires the package cluster to be installed.


A data frame, specifically the data argument with one or two more columns added to the end.


# Running this on all mtcars columns
mtdissim <- append_dissimilarities(mtcars)

# Therefore, these numbers represent the dissimilarity of each row to the
# fifth row:

# And these are the dissimilarities' corresponding sampling weights:

# Now we run it on mtcars without the wt and qsec colums so that we purposely
# end up with some duplicate rows (the first and second).
mtdissim_dup <- append_dissimilarities(mtcars, cols = !c(wt, qsec))

# These represent each row's dissimilarity to its first row.
# Since we specifically told it not to take wt and qsec into account, the
# first two rows are identical. Therefore, both values are zero.

# Here are the corresponding sampling weights. Notice that the first two
# rows' sampling weights are the same as the sampling weight of row 30, which
# is the next most similar row.

Calculate ADI and ADI-3 from census data.


Calculate the Area Deprivation Index and Berg Indices (ADI-3) using decennial US census or American Community Survey (ACS) variables.


calculate_adi(data_raw, keep_indicators = FALSE, seed = NA)



A data frame, tibble, or sf object ultimately obtained via tidycensus::get_acs() or tidycensus::get_decennial(), having the data necessary to compute the indicators of the ADI and ADI-3.

The columns of his data frame must be named according to the elements of the variable column in acs_vars and/or decennial_vars.

The easiest way to obtain data like this is to run get_adi(raw_data_only = TRUE).


Logical indicating whether or not to keep the component indicators of the ADI and ADI-3 as well as the original census variables used to calculate them. Defaults to FALSE.

See acs_vars and decennial_vars for basic descriptions of the raw census variables.


Passed to the seed argument of mice::mice() when imputation is needed.


The function get_adi() calls this function by default as its final step, but some users may want to calculate ADI and ADI-3 values for different combinations of areas in a given data set. get_adi(raw_data_only = TRUE) returns the raw census data used to calculate ADI and ADI-3. Users may select subsets of such a data set and pipe them into calculate_adi().

This function discerns what kind of census data that data contains (ACS, or one of the decennial censuses) by checking for the existence of key variables unique to each kind of data set.

Areas listed as having zero households are excluded from ADI and ADI-3 calculation. Their resulting ADIs and ADI-3s will be NA.

If calling this function directly (i.e., not via get_adi()) on a data set that contains median household income (B19013_001) and does not contain median family income (B19113_001), median household income will be used in place of median family income, with a warning(). See the "Missingness and imputation" section of get_adi().


A tibble (or sf) with the same number of rows as data. Columns include GEOID, NAME, ADI, ⁠Financial Strength⁠, Economic_Hardship_and_Inequality, and Educational_Attainment. Further columns containing the indicators and raw values will also be present if keep_indicators = TRUE.

See Also

For more information, see get_adi(), especially the sections titled ADI and ADI-3 factor loadings and Missingness and imputation.


## Not run: 
# Wrapped in \dontrun{} because these examples require a Census API key.

raw_census <- get_adi("state", year = 2017, raw_data_only = TRUE)


calculate_adi(raw_census, keep_indicators = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Decennial Census variables for age, sex, race, and ethnicity


A three-column data set of the Decennial Census variable names, their descriptions, and their decennial census year. Contains counts of various subdivisions of the population based on age, sex, race, and ethnicity.




A tibble with 130 rows and 3 variables:


The year of the decennial census with which the variable is associated.


ACS variable name


A description of who is present in the count


Currently, the 2000 and 2010 Decennial Census variables are available.

This data set is used to support synthetic_population().

See Also


Decennial census variable names for ADI calculation


A dataset of the decennial census variable names used to calculate the Area Deprivation Index (ADI) and the Berg Indices (ADI-3).




A tibble with 137 rows and 4 variables:


Decennial census variable name


The summary tape file of the decennial census variable


The year of the decennial census variable


Brief description of the data the variable contains

See Also


Get Area Deprivation Index (ADI) and Berg Indices (ADI-3)


Returns the ADI and ADI-3 of user-specified areas.


  state = NULL,
  county = NULL,
  geoid = NULL,
  zcta = NULL,
  dataset = c("acs5", "acs3", "acs1", "decennial"),
  geometry = FALSE,
  keep_indicators = FALSE,
  raw_data_only = FALSE,
  cache_tables = TRUE,
  key = NULL,
  seed = NA,



A character string denoting the level of census geography whose ADIs and ADI-3s you'd like to obtain. Must be one of c("state", "county", "tract", "block group", "zcta"). Required.


A character string specifying states whose ADI and ADI-3 data is desired. Defaults to NULL. Can contain full state names, two-letter state abbreviations, or a two-digit FIPS code/GEOID (must be a vector of strings, so use quotation marks and leading zeros if necessary). Must be left as NULL if using the geoid or zcta parameter.


A vector of character strings specifying the counties whose ADI and ADI-3 data you're requesting. Defaults to NULL. If not NULL, the state parameter must have a length of 1. County names and three-digit FIPS codes are accepted (must contain strings, so use quotation marks and leading zeros if necessary). Must be blank if using the geoid parameter.


A character vector of GEOIDs (use quotation marks and leading zeros). Defaults to NULL. Must be blank if state, county, or zcta is used. Can contain different levels of geography (see details).


A character vector of ZCTAs or the leading digit(s) of ZCTAs (use quotation marks and leading zeros). Defaults to NULL. Must be blank if state, county, or geoid is used.

Strings under 5 digits long will yield all ZCTAs that begin with those digits.

Requires that geography = "zcta". If geography = "zcta" and zcta = NULL, all ZCTAs in the US will be used.


Single integer specifying the year of US Census data to use.


The data set used to calculate ADIs and ADI-3s. Must be one of c("acs5", "acs3", "acs1", "decennial"), denoting the 5-, 3-, and 1-year ACS along with the decennial census. Defaults to "acs5".

When dataset = "decennial", year must be in c(1990, 2000, 2010).

The 2010 decennial census did not include the long-form questionnaire used in the 1990 and 2000 censuses, so this function uses the 5-year estimates from the 2010 ACS to supply the data not included in the 2010 decennial census. In fact, the only 2010 decennial variables used are H003002, H014002, P020002, and P020008.

Important: data are not always available depending on the level of geography and data set chosen. See


Logical value indicating whether or not shapefile data should be included in the result, making the result an sf object instead of a plain tibble. Defaults to FALSE.

The shapefile data that is returned is somewhat customizable by passing certain arguments along to the tidycensus functions via ....


Logical value indicating whether or not the resulting tibble or sf object will contain the socioeconomic measures used to calculate the ADI and ADI-3 values. Defaults to FALSE.

See acs_vars and decennial_vars for basic descriptions of the raw census variables.


Logical, indicating whether or not to skip calculation of the ADI and ADI-3 and only return the census variables. Defaults to FALSE.


The plural version of the cache_table argument in tidycensus::get_acs() or tidycensus::get_decennial(). (get_adi() calls the necessary tidycensus function many times in order to return ADIs and ADI-3s, so many tables are cached if TRUE). Defaults to TRUE.


Your Census API key as a character string. Obtain one at Defaults to NULL. Not necessary if you have already loaded your key with census_api_key().


Passed to calculate_adi().


Additional arguments to be passed onto tidycensus::get_acs() or tidycensus::get_decennial(). These must all be named. Must not match any of the tidycensus formal arguments that sociome needs to set explicitly.

This may be found to be helpful when setting geometry = TRUE, since the tidycensus functions pass ... onto the appropriate tigris function (namely, one of tigris::states(), tigris::counties(), tigris::tracts(), tigris::block_groups(), or tigris::zctas(), according to the the value of geography). This enables the user to somewhat customize the shapefile data obtained.


Returns a tibble or sf object of the Area Deprivation Indices (ADIs) and Berg Indices (ADI-3s) of user-specified locations in the United States, utilizing US Census data. Locations that are listed as having zero households are excluded from ADI and ADI-3 calculation: their ADI and ADI-3 values will be NA.


If geometry = FALSE, (the default) a tibble. If geometry = TRUE is specified, an sf.

Reference area

The concept of "reference area" is important to understand when using this function. The algorithm that produced the original ADIs employs factor analysis. As a result, the ADI is a relative measure; the ADI of a particular location is dynamic, varying depending on which other locations were supplied to the algorithm. In other words, ADI will vary depending on the reference area you specify.

For example, the ADI of Orange County, California is x when calculated alongside all other counties in California, but it is y when calculated alongside all counties in the US. The get_adi() function enables the user to define a reference area by feeding a vector of GEOIDs to its geoid parameter (or alternatively for convenience, states and/or counties to state and county). The function then gathers data from those specified locations and performs calculations using their data alone.

The Berg Indices (ADI-3) were developed with this principle of relativity in mind, and as such there is no set of seminal ADI-3 values. Thus, the terms "Berg Indices" and "ADI-3" refer more nearly to any values generated using the algorithm employed in this package.

Areas listed as having zero households are excluded from the reference area, and their ADI and ADI-3 values will be NA.

The geoid parameter

Elements of geoid can represent different levels of geography, but they all must be either 2 digits (for states), 5 digits (for counties), 11 digits (for tracts), or 12 digits (for block groups). It must contain character strings, so use quotation marks as well as leading zeros where applicable.

ADI and ADI-3 factor loadings

The returned tibble or sf is of class adi, and it contains an attribute called loadings, which contains a tibble of the PCA loadings of each factor. This is accessible through attr⁠(name_of_tibble, "loadings")⁠.

Missingness and imputation

While this function allows flexibility in specifying reference areas (see the Reference area section above), data from the US Census are masked for sparsely populated places, resulting in many missing values.

Imputation is attempted via mice::mice⁠(m = 1, maxit = 50, method = "pmm", seed = seed)⁠. If imputation is unsuccessful, an error is thrown, but the dataset of indicators on which imputation was unsuccessful is available via rlang::last_error()⁠$adi_indicators⁠ and the raw census data are available via rlang::last_error()⁠$adi_raw_data⁠. The former excludes areas with zero households, but the latter includes them.

One of the indicators of both ADI and the Financial Strength component of ADI-3 is median family income, but methodological issues with the 2015 and 2016 ACS have rendered this variable unavailable at the block group level for those years. When requested, this function will use median household income in its place, with a warning(). See

API-related error handling

Depending on user input, this function may call its underlying functions (tidycensus::get_acs() or tidycensus::get_decennial()) many times in order to accommodate their behavior. When these calls are broken up by state or by state and county, a message is printed indicating the state or state and county whose data is being pulled. These calls are wrapped in purrr::insistently(purrr::rate_delay()⁠, quiet = FALSE)⁠, meaning that they are attempted over and over until success, and tidycensus error messages are printed as they occur.

Warnings and disclaimers

Please note that this function calls data from US Census servers, so execution may take a long time depending on the user's internet connection and the amount of data requested.

For advanced users, if changing the dataset argument, be sure to know the advantages and limitations of the 1-year and 3-year ACS estimates. See for details.


## Not run: 
# Wrapped in \dontrun{} because all these examples take >5 seconds
# and require a Census API key.

# ADI of all census tracts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
get_adi(geography = "tract", year = 2017, state = "OH", county = "Cuyahoga")

# ADI and ADI-3 of all counties in Connecticut, using the 2014 ACS1 survey.
# Returns a warning because there are only 8 counties.
# A minimum of 30 locations is recommended.
get_adi(geography = "county", state = "CT", year = 2014, dataset = "acs1")

# Areas with zero households will have an ADI and ADI-3 of NA:
queens <-
    year = 2017,
    state = "NY",
    county = "Queens",
    keep_indicators = TRUE,
    geometry = TRUE
queens %>%
  dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
  dplyr::select(GEOID, NAME, ADI, households = B11005_001) %>%
  dplyr::filter( | households == 0) %>%
  print(n = Inf)

# geoid argument allows for highly customized reference populations.
# ADI of all census tracts in the GEOIDs stored in "delmarva" below:
# Notice the mixing of state- ("10") and county-level GEOIDs (the others).
delmarva_geoids <- c("10", "51001", "51131", "24015", "24029", "24035",
                     "24011", "24041", "24019", "24045", "24039", "24047")
delmarva <-
    geography = "tract",
    geoid = delmarva_geoids,
    dataset = "acs5",
    year = 2009,
    geometry = TRUE

# Demonstration of geom_sf() integration:

# The na.value argument changes the fill of NA ADI areas.
delmarva %>% ggplot() + geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI), lwd = 0)

# Setting direction = -1 makes the less deprived areas the lighter ones
# The argument na.value changes the color of zero-household areas
queens %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI), lwd = 0) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = "red", direction = -1)

# Obtain factor loadings:
attr(queens, "loadings")

## End(Not run)

Make a tibble of census areas closest to a user-specified center


Returns a tibble containing the census areas whose centers of population are closest to some user-specified center. To specify the center, the user can manually enter longitude/latitude coordinates or use the helper function lon_lat_from_area() to automatically grab the longitude/latitude coordinates of the center of population of an area. The cutoff point for how many areas will be return depends on the function used.


  geography = c("state", "county", "tract", "block group"),
  center = lon_lat_from_area(state = "DC"),
  radius = 5,
  units = "miles",
  measure_from = "center of population",
  year = 2020,
  distance_fun = geosphere::distVincentyEllipsoid,
  batch_size = 50L

  geography = c("state", "county", "tract", "block group"),
  center = lon_lat_from_area(state = "DC"),
  n = 50,
  measure_from = "center of population",
  year = 2020,
  distance_fun = geosphere::distVincentyEllipsoid,
  units = NULL,
  batch_size = 50L

  geography = c("state", "county", "tract", "block group"),
  center = lon_lat_from_area(state = "DC"),
  population = 1e+06,
  measure_from = "center of population",
  year = 2020,
  distance_fun = geosphere::distVincentyEllipsoid,
  units = NULL,
  batch_size = 50L



The type of census areas that the resulting table will contain. One of c("state", "county", "tract", "block group").


The longitude/latitude coordinates of the center of the circle. A double vector of length 2 whose elements are finite numbers. Passed to the y argument of geosphere::distm().

The first element is the longitude coordinate (positive for west, negative for east). The second element is the latitude coordinate (positive for north, negative for south).

The convenience function lon_lat_from_area() can be used to obtain the longitude/latitude coordinates of the center of population of a user-specified census area.

Defaults to the center of population of the District of Columbia according to the 2020 decennial census.


A single, non-negative number specifying the radius of the circle. Defaults to 5.


A single string specifying the units of the resulting distance column. If NULL, the units package does not need to be installed, and units will be meters. Otherwise, this will be passed to the value argument of units::set_units(mode = "standard").

For areas_in_radius(), this also used for the units of radius.


Currently can only be "center of population", the default.


Must be 2020, 2010, or 2000. Defaults to 2020.


Passed to the fun argument of geosphere::distm(). Defaults to geosphere::distVincentyEllipsoid, which results in the most accurate measurement but is also the slowest.


The number of distances calculated in each iterative call to geosphere::distm(). When the request is satisfied, these functions stop calculating distances in order to prevent potentially hundreds of thousands of unnecessary calculations. Defaults to 50.


A single positive integer specifying how many of the areas closest to center should be gathered. Defaults to 50.


A single positive integer specifying the target total population of the areas returned. See Details.


areas_in_radius() returns all areas whose centers of population are within the user-specified radius around center.

closest_n_areas() returns the top n areas whose centers of population are closest areas to center.

Conceptually, closest_population() sequentially gathers the next closest area to center until the total population of the areas meets or exceeds population.

Distances are determined with geosphere::distm().

Requires the packages USpopcenters and geosphere to be installed. Requires the units to be installed unless units = NULL.

Centers of population are based on the decennial census data. Only states, counties, tracts, and block groups are currently supported. See the documentation of the USpopcenters package and for more information.


A tibble with each of the columns found in the corresponding USpopcenters table, with two columns appended:

geoid - all FIPS code columns combined with paste0().

distance - the number of units the area's LONGITUDE/LATITUDE center of population is away from the coordinates given in center.

See Also



if (requireNamespace("USpopcenters", quietly = TRUE) &&
  requireNamespace("geosphere", quietly = TRUE)) {

# All states whose centers of population are within 300 kilometers of the
# center of population of New York County, New York (i.e, Manhattan):
  geography = "state",
  center = lon_lat_from_area(state = "NY", county = "New York"),
  radius = 300,
  units = "km"

# The four census tracts whose centers of population are closest to the
# Four Corners (distance column is in meters due to setting units = NULL):
closest_n_areas("tract", center = c(-109.0452, 36.9991), n = 4, units = NULL)

# The counties closest to center of population of Kauai County, Hawaii whose
# total population reaches 3 million people:
  geography = "county",
  center = lon_lat_from_area("15007"),
  population = 3e6,
  units = "barleycorns"


Obtain GEOIDs of areas


Returns a tibble or sf of GEOIDs, names, and decennial census population of user-specified locations.


  state = NULL,
  county = NULL,
  geoid = NULL,
  year = 2010,
  geometry = FALSE,
  cache_tables = TRUE,
  key = NULL,



A character string denoting the level of census geography whose GEOIDs you'd like to obtain. Must be one of c("state", "county", "tract", "block group", "block").

Note that block-level data cannot be obtained from 1990 and 2000 decennial census data due to limitations in tidycensus::get_decennial(). Whereas block-level 2010 decennial census data are available, block-level ADI and ADI-3 cannot be calculated due to the removal of the long-form questionnaire from the 2010 decennial census.

state, county, geoid, geometry, cache_tables, key

See the descriptions of the arguments in get_adi().


Single integer specifying the year of US Census data to use. Defaults to 2010. Based on this year, data from the most recent decennial census will be returned (specifically, ⁠year <- ⁠floor(year / 10) * 10 is run).


Additional arguments to be passed to tidycensus::get_decennial(). Use at your own risk.


This allows users to quickly obtain all GEOIDs in a specified location at a specific level of geography without having to manually look them up somewhere else.

This facilitates calls to get_adi() that involve somewhat complicated reference areas.


## Not run: 
# Wrapped in \dontrun{} because it requires a Census API key.

# Get all tract GEOIDs for Manhattan
tracts <- get_geoids(geography = "tract", state = "New York", county = "New York")

# Get all block GEOIDs for the fifth tract on that list
get_geoids(geography = "block", geoid = tracts$GEOID[5])

## End(Not run)

Grab the longitude/latitude of the center of population of a census area


The user specifies a census area, and the function returns the longitude/latitude coordinates of the area's center of population according to the decennial census.


lon_lat_from_area(geoid = NULL, state = NULL, county = NULL, year = 2020)



A single string specifying the geoid of a census area. Must be 2, 5, 11, or 12 digits. Must be NULL if state is not NULL.


A single string containing the FIPS code, two-letter abbreviation, or full state name of a US state or the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico. Not case sensitive. Must be NULL if geoid is not NULL.


A single string specifying the name of a county in state or the three- or five-digit GEOID of a county in state. Not case sensitive. If entering a county name, it must match the beginning of only one of the county names in state. If entering a five-digit GEOID, it will throw an error if its first two digits do not match the GEOID of state. Must be NULL if state is NULL.


One of 2020, 2010, or 2000. Defaults to 2020.


Centers of population are based on the decennial census. Only states, counties, tracts, and block groups are currently supported. See the documentation of the USpopcenters package and for more information.

Requires the data package USpopcenters to be installed.


A double vector of length 2. The first element is LONGITUDE (positive for east, negative for west). The second element is LATITUDE (positive for north, negative for south).

See Also



if (requireNamespace("USpopcenters", quietly = TRUE)) {
# The center of population of Alaska
lon_lat_from_area(state = "alAskA")

# The center of population of Cook County, Illinois.
lon_lat_from_area(state = "IL", county = "Cook")

# The center of population of some tract in Manhattan
lon_lat_from_area(geoid = "36061021600")

Create a synthetic population simulating US Census areas


Returns a data set of synthetic individuals based on user-specified US Census areas. The age, sex, race, and ethnicity of each individual is probabilistic, based on the demographics of the areas as reported in a user-specified US Census data set.


  state = NULL,
  county = NULL,
  geoid = NULL,
  zcta = NULL,
  dataset = c("acs5", "acs3", "acs1", "decennial"),
  geometry = FALSE,
  cache_tables = TRUE,
  max_age = 115,
  rate = 0.25,
  key = NULL,
  seed = NULL,



A character string denoting the level of US census geography at which you want to create a synthetic population. Required.


A character string specifying states whose population you want to synthesize. Defaults to NULL. Can contain full state names, two-letter state abbreviations, or a two-digit FIPS code/GEOID (must be a vector of strings, so use quotation marks and leading zeros if necessary). Must be left as NULL if using the geoid or zcta parameter.


A vector of character strings specifying the counties whose population you want to synthesize. Defaults to NULL. If not NULL, the state parameter must have a length of 1. County names and three-digit FIPS codes are accepted (must contain strings, so use quotation marks and leading zeros if necessary). Must be blank if using the geoid parameter.


A character vector of GEOIDs (use quotation marks and leading zeros). Defaults to NULL. Must be blank if state, county, or zcta is used. Can contain different levels of geography (see details).


A character vector of ZCTAs or the leading digit(s) of ZCTAs (use quotation marks and leading zeros). Defaults to NULL. Must be blank if state, county, or geoid is used.

Strings under 5 digits long will yield all ZCTAs that begin with those digits.

Requires that geography = "zcta". If geography = "zcta" and zcta = NULL, all ZCTAs in the US will be used.

year, dataset

Specifies the US Census data set on which to base the demographic profile of your synthetic population.

year must be a single integer specifying the year of US Census data to use.The data set used to calculate ADIs and ADI-3s.

dataset must be one of c("acs5", "acs3", "acs1", "decennial"), denoting the 5-, 3-, and 1-year ACS along with the decennial census. Defaults to "acs5".

When dataset = "decennial", year must be in c(1990, 2000, 2010).

Important: data are not always available depending on the level of geography and data set chosen. See


Logical value indicating whether or not shapefile data should be included in the result, making the result an sf object instead of a plain tibble. Defaults to FALSE.

The shapefile data that is returned is somewhat customizable by passing certain arguments along to the tidycensus functions via ....


The plural version of the cache_table argument in tidycensus::get_acs() or tidycensus::get_decennial(). (get_adi() calls the necessary tidycensus function many times in order to return ADIs and ADI-3s, so many tables are cached if TRUE). Defaults to TRUE.


A single integer representing the largest possible age that can appear in the data set. Simulated age values exceeding this value will be top-coded to this value. Defaults to 115. See details.


A single number, passed to stats::rexp() when synthesizing the ages of the highest age bracket. Defaults to 0.25. See details.


Your Census API key as a character string. Obtain one at Defaults to NULL. Not necessary if you have already loaded your key with census_api_key().


Passed onto set.seed(), which is called before probabilistically synthesizing the age values with sample().


Additional arguments to be passed onto tidycensus::get_acs() or tidycensus::get_decennial(). These must all be named. Must not match any of the tidycensus formal arguments that sociome needs to set explicitly.

This may be found to be helpful when setting geometry = TRUE, since the tidycensus functions pass ... onto the appropriate tigris function (namely, one of tigris::states(), tigris::counties(), tigris::tracts(), tigris::block_groups(), or tigris::zctas(), according to the the value of geography). This enables the user to somewhat customize the shapefile data obtained.


Returns a tibble or sf object where each row represents a synthetic person. Each person has an age, sex, race, and ethnicity. The probability of what each person's age/sex/race/ethnicity will be is equal to the proportions in their census area as reported in the user-specified US Census data set (e.g., 2010 Decennial Census or 2017 ACS 5-year estimates). The number of rows in the data set will equal the number of people living in the user-specified US Census areas, as reported in the same US Census data set.


If geometry = FALSE, (the default) a tibble. If geometry = TRUE is specified, an sf.

Synthesizing ages from US Census Data

US Census data provides counts of the number of people in different age brackets of varying widths. The age_lo and age_hi columns in the output depict the age bracket of each individual in the synthetic population. There is also an age column that probabilistically generates a non-whole-number age within the age bracket. A uniform distribution (via stats::runif()) guides this age generation for all age brackets except the highest age bracket ("age 85 and over" in the extant ACS and Decennial Census data). An exponential distribution (via stats::rexp()) guides the age generation for this highest age bracket, and the user can specify rate to customize the exponential distribution that is used.


## Not run: 
# Wrapped in \dontrun{} because all these examples take >5 seconds
# and require a Census API key.

# Synthetic population for Utah, using the 2019 ACS 5-year estimates:
synthetic_population(geography = "state", state = "UT", year = 2019)

# Same, but make it so that survival past age 85 is highly unlikely
# (via rate = 10), and so that 87 is the maximum possible age
  geography = "state",
  state = "UT",
  year = 2019,
  max_age = 87,
  rate = 10

# Synthetic population of the Delmarva Peninsula at the census tract level,
# using 2000 Decennial Census data
  geography = "tract",
  geoid = 
    # This two-digit GEOID is the state of Delaware.
    # These five-digit GEOIDs are specific counties in Virginia and Maryland
      "51001", "51131", "24015", "24029", "24035", "24011", "24041", "24019",
      "24045", "24039", "24047"),
  year = 2000,
  dataset = "decennial"

## End(Not run)