Package 'projects'

Title: A Project Infrastructure for Researchers
Description: Provides a project infrastructure with a focus on manuscript creation. Creates a project folder with a single command, containing subdirectories for specific components, templates for manuscripts, and so on.
Authors: Nik Krieger [aut, cre], Adam Perzynski [aut], Jarrod Dalton [aut]
Maintainer: Nik Krieger <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-01 03:42:21 UTC

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projects: A project infrastructure for researchers.


The projects package provides a project infrastructure with a focus on manuscript creation. It creates a project folder with a single command, containing subdirectories for specific components, templates for manuscripts, and so on.


There are several functions that require interactive user confirmation via the console. Since interactive console input is incompatible with knitting via R Markdown files, the projects package was coded such that user confirmation is bypassed when isTRUE(getOption('')) == TRUE. Therefore, all projects package functions are usable when knitting. Knit with caution!


The authors of this package acknowledge the support provided by members of the Northeast Ohio Cohort for Atherosclerotic Risk Estimation (NEOCARE) investigative team: Claudia Coulton, Douglas Gunzler, Darcy Freedman, Neal Dawson, Michael Rothberg, David Zidar, David Kaelber, Douglas Einstadter, Alex Milinovich, Monica Webb Hooper, Kristen Hassmiller-Lich, Ye Tian (Devin), Kristen Berg, and Sandy Andrukat.


This work was supported by The National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01AG055480. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

See Also

setup_projects() for getting started.

View the projects(), tasks(), authors(), and affiliations() tables


Returns a table of the projects/tasks/authors/affiliations, filtered and joined according to the entirely optional arguments.


affiliations(affiliation, authors = FALSE)

authors(author, affiliations = FALSE, projects = FALSE)

tasks(project, lead, archived = FALSE)

  all_stages = FALSE,
  exclude = c(0L, 6L),
  path = NULL,
  archived = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  authors = FALSE

ideas(project, archived = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, authors = FALSE)

manuscripts(project, archived = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, authors = FALSE)


projects, authors, affiliations

Logical values indicating whether or not to perform a left join with another metadata tibble. All FALSE by default.

project, author, affiliation, lead

An optional unique vector of ids and/or names. Only rows matching one or more entries will be returned. This is the one setting in which the package does not return throw an error if user input matches multiple projects.


Logical, indicating whether or not to include projects that have been archived using archive_project(). FALSE by default.


Logical, indicating whether or not to include projects of all stages, overriding the exclude argument.


A vector of numbers or character strings that can be validated against the list of project stages:

0: idea
1: design
2: data collection
3: analysis
4: manuscript
5: under review
6: accepted

Ignored if all_stages = TRUE


A single file path of a directory within the main projects folder; only projects whose folder is in this directory will be returned.


Logical, indicating whether or not to return all columns of the projects(); if FALSE, only the id, current_owner, status, and stage columns are returned. Defaults to FALSE.


ideas() is a shortcut for projects(exclude = 1:6) (including only projects of stage 0: idea).

manuscripts() is a shortcut for projects(exclude = c(0:3, 6)) (yielding only projects of stage 4: manuscript and 5: under review).

If one or more of the projects, authors, or affiliations arguments is set to TRUE, a dplyr::left_join() is performed, with the "left" table being the one sharing the name of the function being used. As such, rows that don't have matches in any other tables will still show up in the output, and rows that have multiple matches in other tables will yield multiple rows in the output. The "right" table's id column (if present) will be renamed.


A tibble.


old_home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
old_ppath <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
temp_dir <- tempfile("dir")
Sys.setenv(HOME = temp_dir)
setup_projects(path = temp_dir)
new_affiliation(department_name = "Math Dept.",
                institution_name = "Springfield College",
                address = "123 College St, Springfield, AB")
new_affiliation(department_name = "Art Department",
                institution_name = "Springfield College",
                address = "321 University Boulevard, Springfield, AB",
                id = 42)
new_affiliation(department_name = "Central Intelligence Agency",
                institution_name = "United States Government",
                address = "888 Classified Dr, Washington DC")
new_affiliation(department_name = "Pyrotechnics",
                institution_name = "ACME")
new_author(given_names = "Spiro", last_name = "Agnew", degree = "LLB",
           affiliations = "Art D", id = 13)
new_author(given_names = "Plato", id = 303)
new_author(given_names = "Condoleezza", last_name = "Rice",
           affiliations = c(1, 42, "Agency", "ACME"))
new_project(title = "Test project 1", current_owner = "Plato", stage = 1)
new_project(title = "Test project 2", current_owner = "eezza", stage = 2)
new_project(title = "Test project 3", current_owner = "Plato", stage = 3)
new_project(title = "Fun project 4",  current_owner = "Rice", stage = 4)
new_project(title = "Fun project 5",  current_owner = "Rice", stage = 5)
new_project(title = "Fun project 6",  current_owner = "Rice", stage = 6)
new_project(title = "Good idea",  current_owner = "Rice", stage = 0)
new_task(2, "take a break", lead = "eezza", done = 1)
new_task(2, "go home", TID = 1, lead = 303, timing = 1337)
new_task(1, "tie up loose ends", status = "untying a knot", effort = Inf)
new_task(3, "cook dinner", lead = "plato")

# View entire affiliations table

# View authors table joined to affiliations table
# Notice that multiple rows are created for each affiliation-author combination
authors(affiliations = TRUE)

# View only active projects with "Fun" in their title.

# View all projects with "Rice" as the current_owner
projects(all_stages = TRUE) %>% dplyr::filter(current_owner == "Rice")

# View manuscripts

# View ideas

# View tasks

# View only Project 1's tasks

# View only Plato's tasks
tasks(lead = "plato")

# View only Plato's tasks in project 1
tasks(1, "plato")

# Wrapped in if (interactive()) because it requires interactive console input
# and fails automated testing.
if (interactive()) {
  # Archive Fun project 5
  archive_project("Fun project 5")

  # Default behavior is to not include archived projects in projects() table
  projects("Fun", archived = TRUE)

# (or, the user can just restart R)
Sys.setenv(HOME = old_home, PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_ppath)

Write an email to project authors


Invokes utils::browseURL("mailto://[author emails]") for a specified project, or for the currently open project if project is left as NULL.


  project = NULL,
  browser = getOption("browser"),
  encodeIfNeeded = FALSE



Project id or unambiguous substring of the project name from the projects() table. Defaults to NULL (see Details).

browser, encodeIfNeeded

See utils::browseURL().


The success of this function depends on the platform and the specified browser. See the Details and URL schemes sections of utils::browseURL().

If project = NULL, the function selects the project in the projects() table whose path is equal to rstudioapi::getActiveProject().

See Also

utils::browseURL(); rstudioapi::getActiveProject() for information on browser and encodeIfNeeded arguments.


# Wrapped in if (interactive()) because this function is interactive by nature.
if (interactive()) {

  # If you have a projects() project open, just run it:

  # Otherwise, specify a project:

  # Setup
  old_home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
  old_ppath <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
  temp_dir <- tempfile("dir")
  Sys.setenv(HOME = temp_dir)
  setup_projects(path = temp_dir)
  new_author("Rhonda", "Rondale", email = "[email protected]")
  new_author("Betty", "Betts", email = "[email protected]")
  new_project("Inventing the Ring of Power", authors = c("Betty", "Ron"))

  email_authors("Ring of Power")

  # Cleanup (or just restart R)
  Sys.setenv(HOME = old_home, PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_ppath)

Compress a project folder


Creates a compressed file out of a user-specified project folder for sharing.


export_project(project, zipfile, include_hidden = FALSE, exclude = NULL)



Project id or unambiguous substring of the project name from the projects() table.


Desired file path of the resulting compressed folder file, including the file's desired name and file extension. See the zipfile argument for the zip::zipr() function.


Logical indicating whether or not to include hidden folders and files (e.g., those with names that begin with a period). Defaults to FALSE.


Character vector of exact names of first-level subdirectories of the project folder to exclude from the resulting compressed folder file.


Currently, this function uses zip::zipr().


The name of the created zip file, invisibly.

file management


Tools for Organizing and Managing Project Files



rename_folder(project, new_folder_name, archived = FALSE)

move_project(project, path, make_directories = FALSE, archived = FALSE)

  new_id = NA,
  new_folder_name = paste0("p", stringr::str_pad(new_id, 4, pad = "0")),
  new_short_title = NA,
  make_directories = FALSE,
  archived = FALSE


open_project(project, new_session = FALSE, archived = FALSE)

  make_directories = FALSE,
  .Renviron_path = file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Renviron")

  .Renviron_path = file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Renviron")



A valid path string.

For copy_project() only, if left blank, the preexisting project's directory is used. All other functions here require a valid path.

See the path argument in new_project() for details on valid paths.


Project id or unambiguous substring of the project name from the projects() table


Character string of new name for project folder. Always processed with fs::path_sanitize().


Logical indicating whether or not the function should consider archived projects when determining which project the user is referring to in the project/project_to_copy argument. FALSE by default. See Details.


Logical. If the path represented by the path parameter does not exist, should the needed directories be created?


Project id or unambiguous substring of the project name corresponding to the project that is to be copied.


Optional integer, ranging from 1 to 9999, used as the newly-created project id. Must not already exist in projects()$id. If left blank, the lowest available id will be automatically used.


Optional character string that becomes the short_title of the project copy. It also becomes the project copy's folder name under normal circumstances (see Details).


Same as the newSession argument in rstudioapi::openProject().


A valid string indicating a path where the projects folder should be moved. The projects folder will have the same name, but it will be moved into this directory.


The full file path of the .Renviron file where the user would like to store the updated projects_folder() path. Default is the home .Renviron file. If the file doesn't exist it will be created. See also setup_projects().


A valid directory name for the projects folder.


Projects can be moved (move_project()), copied (copy_project()), or archived (archive_project()).

The difference between delete_project() and archive_project() is that the latter will just move the project to a directory called archive, located in the same parent directory as the project. This directory gets created if it doesn't yet exist. Most functions that perform actions on projects will exclude archived projects by default in order to make it easier for the user to enter a nonambiguous string that will match an active (i.e., non-archived) project.

Projects can also be organized into groups. By default, all projects are created within the main projects folder. To create a project group, which is essentially a subfolder of the main projects folder, use new_project_group().

open_project() is a wrapper around rstudioapi::openProject(), but the user only needs to know the project's id, title, or short_title instead of the file path of the project's .Rproj file. If there is no .Rproj file in the project's folder, the user has the option to restore a default .Rproj file. If there are multiple .Rproj files, an error is thrown.

move_projects_folder() allows the user to move the entire projects folder created by setup_projects() into a different directory, and rename_projects_folder() changes its name.

See Also

new_project() and delete_project() for other functions that write and delete files.


old_home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
old_ppath <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
temp_dir <- tempfile("dir")
Sys.setenv(HOME = temp_dir)
setup_projects(path = temp_dir)

# setting up a simple project directory tree

# Wrapped in if (interactive()) because it requires interactive console input
# and fails automated package checking and testing.
if (interactive()){
  new_project(title = "Sample Authorless Project", parent_directory = "kidney")

  # Moving the project folder, then moving it again.
  move_project(project = 1, "kidney/genomics")
  move_project(project = "Sample Authorless Project", "prostate/clinical")

  # Copying the project
  copy_project(project_to_copy = 1, "kidney/clinical")

  # Renaming the folder of the copy of the project
  rename_folder(project = 2, "copy")

  # Archiving the copy of the project

  # Moving and renaming the entire projects folder
  temp_dir2 <- tempfile("dir")

  # Opens the project in same session

  # Opens the project in a new session
  open_project(1, new_session = TRUE)
Sys.setenv(HOME = old_home, PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_ppath)

Create, edit or delete projects, authors and affiliations


These functions create, edit, or delete rows in the projects(), tasks(), authors(), and affiliations() tables, which are stored in the .metadata subdirectory of the main projects folder.


  title = NA,
  current_owner = NA,
  stage = c("1: design", "2: data collection", "3: analysis", "4: manuscript",
    "5: under review", "6: accepted", "0: idea"),
  impact = NA,
  status = "just created",
  short_title = NA,
  authors = NULL,
  corresp_auth = NA,
  creator = NA,
  deadline_type = NA,
  deadline = NA,
  id = NA,
  folder_name = paste0("p", stringr::str_pad(id, 4, pad = "0")),
  parent_directory = projects_folder(),
  make_directories = FALSE,
  template_folder = "default_folder"

new_idea(title, status = "just an idea", ...)

  task = NA,
  TID = Inf,
  lead = NA,
  effort = NA,
  timing = NA,
  status = NA,
  done = 0L,
  archived = FALSE

  given_names = NA,
  last_name = NA,
  title = NA,
  affiliations = NULL,
  degree = NA,
  email = NA,
  phone = NA,
  id = NA

  department_name = NA,
  institution_name = NA,
  address = NA,
  id = NA

  title = NULL,
  short_title = NULL,
  authors = NULL,
  current_owner = NULL,
  status = NULL,
  deadline_type = NULL,
  deadline = NULL,
  stage = NULL,
  impact = NULL,
  corresp_auth = NULL,
  creator = NULL,
  archived = FALSE

delete_project(project, archived = FALSE)

  new_TID = NULL,
  lead = NULL,
  effort = NULL,
  timing = NULL,
  status = NULL,
  done = NULL,
  archived = FALSE

finish(project, TID, archived = FALSE)

delete_task(project, TID, archived = FALSE)

  given_names = NULL,
  last_name = NULL,
  affiliations = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  degree = NULL,
  email = NULL,
  phone = NULL


  department_name = NULL,
  institution_name = NULL,
  address = NULL




For new_project(), new_idea(), and edit_project(), the title of the project.

For the new_author() and edit_author(), the job title of the author.

current_owner, corresp_auth, creator, lead

An id or unambiguous last_name/given_names of one of the authors in the authors() table, which will be coerced into a projects_author-class object.

If corresp_auth is specified, this author's contact information will be especially included in the output of header().

If creator is left blank, the numeric portion of the resulting projects_author-class object will be 0:, followed by the value of["user"] (e.g., 0: user_j_smith).


A number or string that will partially match exactly one of c("1: design", "2: data collection", "3: analysis", "4: manuscript", "5: under review", "6: accepted", "0: ideas"), communicating the stage the project is in. This will be coerced to be a character vector of class projects_stage.

For new_project(), defaults to "1: design".

See projects_stage-class.


A scalar numeric value, intended to communicate the estimated impact the project will have.


A free text field, intended to communicate the most current condition the project or task is in.

For new_project(), default is "just created". For new_idea(), default is "just an idea". For new_task(), the default is NA.


A nickname for the project. Can be used in other projects package functions whenever needing to specify a project.

authors, affiliations

For new_project()/new_author(), a vector of ids or unambiguous given_names/last_name or department_name/institution_name of authors/affiliations. Order will be preserved.

For edit_project()/edit_author(), a formula specifying authors/affiliations to add or remove from the project/author. Formulas must have no left-hand side (i.e., begin with ~) and use + to add and - to remove (see formula).

Authors and affiliations may be specified by id or name. Each element must match an existing row in the authors()/affiliations() table.


A free text field, intended to communicate the meaning of the next field, deadline.


A POSIXct object or something coercible to one (via lubridate::as_datetime()).


An integer that will become the item's permanent identification number. Must be in the range 1-9999 or left blank. If left blank, the lowest available integer in the aforementioned range will be selected.


A character string that can serve as a valid directory name. By default, it is "p" followed by the project id number left-filled with "0" until the number is four digits long.


A character string that can be read as a file path. Can be either:

  1. the absolute path of the projects folder (i.e., the value of projects_folder(), which is the default)

  2. an absolute path pointing to a subfolder within the projects folder

  3. a relative path (leading "." optional) that will be appended onto the end of the value of projects_folder().

In any case, the result is that the new project folder will be a subdirectory of the main projects folder. See also setup_projects().


Logical, indicating whether or not new_project() should create subdirectories specified in the path argument that do not already exist. Ignored if path is left as the default or if all directories in path already exist.


A character string naming a folder in the .templates folder that will be copied into the projects folder as the new project folder, renamed according to the value of the folder_name argument. See also Details below.


Additional arguments to be passed to new_project()

project, author, affiliation

The id or unambiguous name(s) of a project/author/affiliation to new_task() or edit_*() or delete_*().


The name / very short description of the task.


The "task ID." TIDs are always standardized so that for each project they are positive integers starting with 1.

For new_task(), this is used to specify the TID of the new task. The user can enter any scalar, non-missing numeric value, and all tasks' TIDs will be standardized. Therefore, the default of Inf for a new task always places the new task at the end of the list. If the new task's TID is the same as an existing task's TID, the new task will take priority.

For edit_task() and delete_task(), this argument, along with the project argument, identifies the task to be edited or deleted.

effort, timing

Any scalar numeric value, intended to communicate the level of effort the task will require and the nature of the timing of the task, respectively.


Used to indicate whether or not the task has been completed. Must be 0, 1, or NA.


Logical indicating whether or not the function should consider archived projects when determining which project the user is referring to in the project argument. FALSE by default.

See the Details section of archive_project() for more information on the "archived" status of a project.

given_names, last_name, department_name, institution_name

Each a single character string. Can be used whenever needing to specify a specific author/affiliation.


A character string (preferably an abbreviation) denoting the author's academic degree(s). Will be written next to author names when header() is run.

email, phone

A character string denoting the email/phone of the author. Email will be coerced to lowercase. When a project is given a corresp_auth, email will be included in "Corresponding author:" section written by header().


A character string indicating the address of the affiliation.


Used to change the task ID of the task specified by project and TID. The user can enter a scalar, non-missing numeric value, and the TIDs of all the project's tasks' will be re-standardized (see the description of the TID argument above). The task's TID will be unchanged if new_TID is left as the default (NULL).


new_project() copies the folder in the .templates folder named by the template_name argument into the projects folder, giving it the name specified by the folder_name argument. It then creates a line in the projects() table for the newly created project, filling many of its fields with the contents of corresponding arguments of this function. See setup_projects() for more information on the .templates folder.

delete_project() deletes project folders and removes their line from the projects() table.

The edit_*() functions and the other new_*() and delete_*() functions only create or edit rows in the .metadata tables.

new_idea() is a convenience function for quickly creating projects in the "0: idea" stage.

finish() is a shortcut for edit_task(my_project, my_TID, done = 1)


new_affiliation() and edit_affiliation() simply return the new or edited row of the affiliations() tibble.

new_project(), new_author(), edit_project(), edit_author(), and the delete_*() functions invisibly return the row of the corresponding metadata tibble that was added/edited/deleted, although the contents of this row are printed as a side-effect along with the other relevant information where applicable (e.g., project authors, author affiliations, project file paths).

new_idea() returns the id, title, and status columns of the newly created row of the projects() tibble.


old_home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
old_ppath <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
temp_dir <- tempfile("dir")
Sys.setenv(HOME = temp_dir)
setup_projects(path = temp_dir)

# Creating affiliations
new_affiliation(department_name = "Math Dept.",
                institution_name = "Springfield College",
                address = "123 College St, Springfield, AB")
new_affiliation(department_name = "Art Department",
                institution_name = "Springfield College",
                address = "321 University Boulevard, Springfield, AB",
                id = 42)

# Editing an affiliation
edit_affiliation("Math Dept", department_name = "Mathematics Department")

# Creating authors
  given_names = "Rosetta",
  last_name = "Stone",
  affiliations = c(42, "Math"),
  degree = "PhD",
  email = "[email protected]",
  phone = "867-555-5309",
  id = 8888
  given_names = "Spiro",
  last_name = "Agnew",
  degree = "LLB",
  affiliations = "Art D", id = 13
new_author(last_name = "Plato", id = 303)

# Editing an author, showcasing the removal of a text element (last_name)
edit_author(author = 303, given_names = "Plato", last_name = NA)

# Editing an author, showcasing the addition and removal of affiliations
edit_author("Spiro", affiliations = ~ -"Art D" + Math)

# Creating a project
  title = "Understanding the Construction of the United States",
  short_title = "USA",
  authors = c(13, "Stone"),
  stage = 4,
  deadline = "2055-02-28",
  deadline_type = "submission",
  parent_directory = "famous_studies/philosophers/rocks",
  corresp_auth = "Stone",
  current_owner = "agnew",
  make_directories = TRUE,
  status = "waiting on IRB"

# Editing a project, showcasing the addition and removal of authors
  short_title = "usa1",
  authors = ~ + "303" - 13 - Stone

# Creating a new idea
new_idea(title = "Boiling the Ocean")

# Creating some tasks
new_task(project = 2,
         task = "put the horse before the cart",
         lead = "spiro",
         timing = NaN)

new_task(project = 1,
         task = "learn something",
         effort = pi,
         lead = "Stone",
         status = "foobar",
         timing = Inf)

new_task(project = 1,
         task = "take a break",
         TID = 600.66,
         effort = -100,
         status = "throw it all away",
         lead = "303")

new_task(project = 1,
         task = "tie your shoes",
         TID = 2,
         lead = 303)

new_task(project = 1,
         task = "put out the fire",
         TID = .5,
         lead = "stone")

# Editing a task
edit_task(project = "understanding",
          TID = 3,
          new_TID = 2,
          lead = "agnew",
          done = 1,
          status = "make dinner")

# finish is a shortcut for setting done = 1 on the specified task.
finish("construction", 4)

# Wrapped in if (interactive()) because it requires interactive console input
# and fails automated package checking and testing.
if (interactive()) {
  delete_task(2, 1)

Sys.setenv(HOME = old_home, PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_ppath)

projects_author vector


Objects of this class contain both the id and the last_name of an author so that the package and the user, respectively, can easily identify the author.


projects_author(x = character())


match.projects_author(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'projects_author,ANY'
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,projects_author'
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'projects_author,projects_author'
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

`%in%.projects_author`(x, table)

## S4 method for signature 'projects_author'
x %in% table



For projects_author(), an integer or character vector. For is_projects_author(), an object to test.

For match() and %in%, an integer, a character string, or a projects_author object. See match() and Equality and value matching methods below.


An integer number, a character string, or a projects_author object. See match() and Equality and value matching methods below.


See match().


An integer number, a character string, or a projects_author object. See match().


Essentially, this is a character string of the form:

id: last_name

projects_author() coerces an integer or character vector to a projects_author object, validating each element against the existing authors() table.

Numeric coercion methods

as.integer(), as.double(), and as.numeric() return the id portion of the projects_author object as an integer/double. The methods for the equality and value matching functions described below make use of these numeric coercion methods. Users desiring to apply value matching functions other than the ones described below may similarly take advantage of these.

Equality and value matching methods

Methods for ==, !=, match(), and %in% enable users to test equality and to value match among projects_author objects and as well as between projects_author objects and unclassed numbers/characters. When testing or matching against a numeric vector, the projects_author object is first coerced to an integer with the as.integer() method described above. When testing or matching against a character vector, the character vector is validated against the authors() table.

See Also

Ops; Methods_for_Nongenerics.


old_home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
old_ppath <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
temp_dir <- tempfile("dir")
Sys.setenv(HOME = temp_dir)
setup_projects(path = temp_dir)
new_author("chuck", "jonesman", id = 33)
new_author("Hattie", "Hatsman", id = 45)

jones <- projects_author("33: Jones")


as.integer(jones) # 33

jones == 33       # TRUE
jones == 10       # FALSE
jones != 33       # FALSE

jones %in% c(20:40)     # TRUE
match(jones, c(31:40))  # 3

# Comparing a projects_author object to a character vector results in the
# character strings being validated against the authors() table. Then, the id
# numbers are compared.
jones == c("jOnES", "hat")   # TRUE FALSE

# Cleanup (or just restart R)
Sys.setenv(HOME = old_home, PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_ppath)

projects folder path


Returns the file path of the main projects folder if it has been established via setup_projects().




The file path is returned as a simple character string. It simply returns the value of Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH"), provided that its value is a file path of a directory that actually exists (i.e., setup_projects() has been successfully run).

If it can't find a directory with that path, it returns this string:

projects folder not found. Please run setup_projects()

See Also

setup_projects() for setting up the projects folder.



projects_stage vector


Objects of this class are merely a character string containing a number and a name of one of seven project development stages.


projects_stage(x = character())

match.projects_stage(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'projects_stage,ANY'
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,projects_stage'
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'projects_stage,projects_stage'
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)

`%in%.projects_stage`(x, table)

## S4 method for signature 'projects_stage'
x %in% table



For projects_stage(), an integer or character vector. For

For match() and %in%, an integer, a character string, or a projects_stage object. See match() and Comparison and value matching methods below.


An integer number, a character string, or a projects_stage object. See match() and Comparison and value matching methods below.


See match().


An integer number, a character string, or a projects_stage object. See match().


A projects_stage object is either a missing value (NA) or one of:

0: idea
1: design
2: data collection
3: analysis
4: manuscript
5: under review
6: accepted

projects_stage() validates and coerces a vector of the above integers or strings to a projects_stage S3 vector.


For projects_stage(), an S3 vector of class projects_stage.

Numeric coercion methods

as.integer(), as.double(), and as.numeric() return the stage number of the projects_stage object as an integer/double. The methods for the comparison and value matching functions described below make use of these numeric coercion methods. Users desiring to apply value matching functions other than the ones described below may similarly take advantage of these.

Comparison and value matching methods

Methods for the Comparison operators as well as match() and %in% enable users to test equality and to value match among projects_stage objects and as well as between projects_stage objects and unclassed numbers/characters. When comparing or value matching against a numeric vector, the projects_stage object is first coerced to an integer with the as.integer() method described above. When testing or value matching against a character vector, the character vector is validated against the list of project stages enumerated above.

See Also

Ops; Methods_for_Nongenerics.


stage <- projects_stage("4: manuscript")

as.integer(stage) # 4

stage == 4       # TRUE
stage != 4       # FALSE
stage <  6       # TRUE

stage %in% c(3:6)  # TRUE
match(stage, 0:4)  # 5

stage %in% c("design", "manusc", "idea")  # TRUE

more_stages <- projects_stage(c("0: idea", "4: manuscript", "1: design"))

match("MAnuscRIPT", more_stages)      # 2

Reordering authors and affiliations


These functions allow the user to reorder a project's authors or an author's affiliations.


reorder_authors(project, ..., after = 0L, archived = FALSE)

reorder_affiliations(author, ..., after = 0L)


project, author

The id or unambiguous names of a project/author whose authors/affiliations you want to reorder.


The ids or names of authors/affiliations you want to reorder, optionally with their new ranks explicitly stated. See Details.


If not specifying explicit ranks in ..., the position you want the elements to come after. Works like the after argument in append or forcats::fct_relevel().

Ignored if ranks are explicitly provided in ....


Logical indicating whether or not the function should consider archived projects when determining which project the user is referring to in the project argument. FALSE by default.

See the Details section of archive_project() for more information on the "archived" status of a project.


The order of authors and affiliations affects the order in which these items appear in the output of header().

When specifying explicit ranks, enter ... as name-value pairs (e.g., Johnson = 2, "Baron Cohen" = 4). You can even enumerate authors/affiliations by their corresponding (quoted) id numbers (e.g., '7' = 2, ACME = 4, '22' = 6). If entering an integer greater than the total number of authors/affiliations, the element will be put at the end. The after argument will be ignored in this case.

When not specifying explicit ranks, simply enter author/affiliations ids or names in the order you want them, and the ones you entered will be inserted after the position specified by the after argument. By default (after = 0), the authors/affiliations in ... will be moved to the front. This behavior corresponds to that of append() or forcats::fct_relevel().


old_home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
old_ppath <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
temp_dir <- tempfile("dir")
Sys.setenv(HOME = temp_dir)
setup_projects(path = temp_dir)
new_affiliation(department_name = "Math Dept.",
                institution_name = "Springfield College",
                address = "123 College St, Springfield, AB")
new_affiliation(department_name = "Art Department",
                institution_name = "Springfield College",
                address = "321 University Boulevard, Springfield, AB",
                id = 42)
new_affiliation(department_name = "Central Intelligence Agency",
                institution_name = "United States Government",
                address = "888 Classified Dr, Washington DC")
new_affiliation(department_name = "Pyrotechnics",
                institution_name = "ACME")
new_author(given_names = "Rosetta", last_name = "Stone",
           affiliations = c(42, "Math"), degree = "PhD",
           email = "[email protected]", phone = "867-555-5309", id = 8888)
new_author(given_names = "Spiro", last_name = "Agnew", degree = "LLB",
           affiliations = "Art D", id = 13)
new_author(given_names = "Plato", id = 303)
new_author(given_names = "Condoleezza", last_name = "Rice", degree = "PhD",
           affiliations = c(1, 42, "Agency", "ACME"), phone = "555-555-5555",
           email = "[email protected]")
new_author(given_names = "Jane", last_name = "Goodall", degree = "PhD",
           affiliations = 3, id = 5)
new_project(title = "Understanding the Construction of the United States",
            short_title = "USA",
            authors = c(13, "Stone", "zz", "303", "Jane Goodall"),
            stage = 4, deadline = "2055-02-28", deadline_type = "submission",
            parent_directory = "famous_studied/philosophers/rocks",
            corresp_auth = "Stone", current_owner = "agnew",
            make_directories = TRUE,
            status = "waiting on IRB")

# Rice's affiliations before reordering:
authors("rice", affiliations = TRUE)

# Reordering (with unnamed arguments)
reorder_affiliations(author = "RICE", "ACME", 42, after = 1)

# Rice's affiliations after reordering:
authors("rice", affiliations = TRUE)

# Project 1 header before reordering authors:

# Reordering (with named arguments)
reorder_authors(project = 1, "Rosetta" = 99, `303` = 2, "5" = 1)

# Project 1 header after reordering authors:

Sys.setenv(HOME = old_home, PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_ppath)

Save R session information


Creates a dated text file (.txt) containing the contents of sessioninfo::session_info().


save_session_info(path_dir = here::here("progs", "session_info"))



The full path of the directory where the session information text file shall be written. If it doesn't exist, it is written with fs::dir_create().


The date and time when this function was run is included in the resulting .txt file's name and first line. This date and time is obtained from Sys.time().

For the file name, hyphens (-) are removed from the date, spaces are replaced with underscores (_), and colons (:) are replaced with a modifier letter colon (U+A789).


A list of two:

$ time : the value of Sys.time() that the function used

$ session_info() : the value of sessioninfo::session_info() that the function used

Set up the projects folder


Creates or restores the projects folder at the user-specified path.


  folder_name = "projects",
  overwrite = FALSE,
  make_directories = FALSE,
  .Renviron_path = file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Renviron")



The file path of the directory inside of which the user would like the projects folder to be created. Do not include the name of the projects folder itself (i.e., the value of the argument folder_name below).


The name of the projects folder that will be created in the directory specified by the argument path above. Defaults to "projects".


Logical indicating whether or not to abandon any previously stored projects folders stored in the system.


Logical indicating whether or not the function should write any directories specified in the path argument that don't already exist.


The full file path of the .Renviron file where the user would like to store the projects_folder() path. Default is the home .Renviron file. If the file doesn't exist it will be created.


The projects package remembers where the projects folder is located by storing its file path in a .Renviron file (the home .Renviron file by default). The entry is named PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH.

Note that changing the .Renviron_path argument may create an .Renviron file that R will not notice or use. See Startup for more details.


The project folder's path, invisibly.

Default contents

The projects folder automatically contains the subdirectories .metadata and .templates, which are hidden by default on some operating systems.

The .metadata folder and its contents should never be manually moved or modified.

The .templates folder is where template project files and folders should be stored. When this function is successfully run, the default projects folder template is created (as "default_folder") alongside a few other template files. When a new project is created, new_project() looks here for the folder named by its template_folder argument ("default_folder" by default), and this folder is copied into the projects folder (with name specified by the folder_name argument) as the new project folder. Users are able and encouraged to customize the default_folder to suit their research needs, and may even create multiple project folder templates for different situations.

The default templates are in the folder located at the path produced by running: system.file("templates", package = "projects")

Behavior when projects folder already exists

If overwrite = TRUE, the function will run no matter what. Use with caution.

If the user has a pre-existing projects folder and runs this command with the pre-existing projects folder's path, nothing will be deleted.

Therefore, if the user "broke" the projects folder (e.g., by deleting metadata; by changing the "PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH" line in the .Renviron file), the user can "fix" the projects folder to some degree by running this function with the folder's actual file path (e.g., restore all default templates; restore missing metadata files).

See Also

new_project() for information on templates

Startup for more information on how .Renviron files work.


# Setup
# Any existing "projects" folder is left totally untouched,
# and the user's home directory and .Renviron file are also left untouched.
old_home  <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
old_ppath <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
temp_dir <- tempfile("dir")
Sys.setenv(HOME = temp_dir)

# Creating the projects folder
setup_projects(path = temp_dir)

# Viewing the projects folder path:
path1 <- projects_folder()

# Viewing the contents of the projects folder:
list.files(path1, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,  all.files = TRUE)

# Create an arbitrary subfolder in temp_dir:
subfolder_path <- file.path(temp_dir, "test")

# Wrapped in if (interactive()) because it requires user input
if (interactive()) {
  # The function won't let the user abandon the old projects folder...
  setup_projects(path = subfolder_path)

  # ...unless overwrite = TRUE
  setup_projects(path = file.path(temp_dir, "test"), overwrite = TRUE)

  # Even then, only the stored location of the projects folder is overwritten.
  # The old projects folder still exists:
  list.files(path1, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,  all.files = TRUE)

  # Giving the "projects" folder a different name:
  setup_projects(path = temp_dir, folder_name = "studies", overwrite = TRUE)

# Cleanup
# (or, the user can just restart R)
Sys.setenv(HOME = old_home, PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_ppath)

Update the project metadata


Safely updates existing project metadata to be compatible with projects 1.X.X.


update_metadata(ask = TRUE)



Logical, indicating whether or not the user would be asked at the command line whether or not to proceed. Defaults to TRUE.


Prior to projects 1.X.X, the stage, current_owner, corresp_auth, and creator columns of the projects() table were different.

The stage column was a factor, and users had to type stage names exactly, down to the integer, colon, and space. Now, this column is of class projects_stage-class.

The latter three columns were integers corresponding to ids in the authors() table, so users would have to query that table if they did not remember which author was denoted by the integer id.

See Also

projects_stage-class; projects_author-class.